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ปส. ให้การต้อนรับผู้บริหาร JAEA เสริมสร้างเครือข่ายความร่วมมือระหว่างประเทศ

OAP is in discussion with JAEA executives on international collaborations

          On June 20, 2024, Assoc. Prof. Pasit Lorterapong, OAP Secretary General, received a courtesy call from Ms. IKUTA Yuko, Deputy Director, Nuclear Human Resource Development Center and Mr. OHKURA Takehisa, General Manager, International Nuclear HRD Section, Nuclear HRD Center. Several issues were discussed, including the Instructor Training Program (ITP) which […]

OAP is in discussion with JAEA executives on international collaborations Read More »

ปส. สร้างศักยภาพด้านนิติวิทยาศาสตร์นิวเคลียร์เพื่อป้องกันและยับยั้งภัยคุกคาม

OAP builds technical capacity in nuclear forensics

             OAP hosts the Workshop on Nuclear Forensics for preventing and suppressing threats from June 18 to 20, 2024 at its headquarters. The workshop was aimed to provide essential knowledges on radiation detection, nuclear security and nuclear forensics to thirty three newly employed staff from fifteen relevant authorities. In addition,

OAP builds technical capacity in nuclear forensics Read More »

ไทยเข้าร่วมการประชุมความก้าวหน้าด้านความปลอดภัยของเครื่องปฏิกรณ์นิวเคลียร์ขนาดเล็กแบบโมดูล ณ กรุงโซล

Thailand participates in the SMR Conference in Seoul

              On June 11, 2024, Assoc. Prof. Pasit Lorterapong, OAP Secretary General, attended the South, Central, and East Asia FIRST Regional Conference on Advancing the Safe and Secure Deployment of Small Modular Reactors from June 11 to 13, 2024 in Seoul, Republic of Korea. The conference was co-hosted by

Thailand participates in the SMR Conference in Seoul Read More »

ปส. ให้การต้อนรับคณะผู้แทนจากสถานเอกอัครราชทูตออสเตรเลีย ประจำประเทศไทย เสริมสร้างเครือข่ายความร่วมมือระหว่างประเทศ

A visit from representatives from the Australian Embassy in Thailand

             On June 12, 2024, Ms. Darunee Peekhuntod, Director of Technical Support, hosted a visit from representatives from the Australian Embassy in Thailand. A visit had both sides to exchange their views on several issues relating to nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security and signified a good cooperation between Thailand and

A visit from representatives from the Australian Embassy in Thailand Read More »

ปส. ร่วมกับ RCARO เดินหน้ายกระดับศักยภาพด้านการเฝ้าระวังภัยในอาเซียน

OAP and RCARO are in on strengthening ASEAN’s monitoring capacity

             On June 10, 2024, Ms. Ampika Apichaibukol, delivered an opening remark for the Regional Training Course on Practical Application of Radiation Measurement, Radioanalytical Method for Environment Monitoring which have been held from June 10 to June 14, 2024 at the OAP headquarters. The training course aimed to prepare ASEANTOM

OAP and RCARO are in on strengthening ASEAN’s monitoring capacity Read More »

ปส. ให้การต้อนรับ ผอ. RCARO และคณะฯ ร่วมหารือการพัฒนาความร่วมมือด้านนิวเคลียร์-รังสี ระหว่างประเทศ

Meeting with RCARO Director

            On June 11, 2024, Ms. Ampika Apichaibukol, OAP Deputy Secretary General, received a courtesy call from Mr. Dae Ki Kim, RCARO Director, during his participation in the RCA-ASEANTOM Regional Training Course on Practical Application of Radiation Measurement, Radioanalytical Method for Environment Monitoring. They looked to finalize the MoU and

Meeting with RCARO Director Read More »

ปส. เตรียมพร้อมการประเมิน IRRS มุ่งกำกับดูแลทางรังสีตามมาตรฐานโลก

OAP hosts the IRRS Preparatory Meeting, a step closer to IRRS Mission

             On June 11, 2024, Ms. Ampika Apichaibukol, Deputy Secretary General, presided over the opening of the IRRS Preparatory Meeting and welcomed IAEA officials and IRRS reviewers. The meeting was aimed to discuss the scope of the IRRS and to agree on the Mission’s ToR which has been scheduled to

OAP hosts the IRRS Preparatory Meeting, a step closer to IRRS Mission Read More »

ปส. หารือ IAEA ต่อยอดความร่วมมือทางวิชาการด้านนิวเคลียร์และรังสี

OAP in discussion with IAEA on Expanding Technical Cooperation

              On June 6, 2024, Assoc. Prof. Pasit Lorterapong, discussed with Mr. Hua Liu, IAEA DDG, at the IAEA Headquarter on technological advancements as a result of technical cooperations Thailand has continually received from the IAEA. Dr. Pasit emphasized on a need of technical assistance in the area of

OAP in discussion with IAEA on Expanding Technical Cooperation Read More »

ปส. คว้าโล่เกียรติคุณจาก IAEA ช่วยเหลือรัฐภาคี ชูศักยภาพด้านการตอบสนองกรณีฉุกเฉินทางนิวเคลียร์-รังสี

IAEA awarded OAP with the Plaque of Honor for its EPR capability

             On June 6, 2024, Assoc. Prof. Pasit Lorterapong, OAP Secretary General, attended the 12th Meeting of Representative of Competent Authorities Identified under the Early Notification and the Assistance Convention at the IAEA headquarter in Vienna, Austria as the head of Thai delegation. During the meeting, Mr. Carlos Torres Vidal,

IAEA awarded OAP with the Plaque of Honor for its EPR capability Read More »

ปส. จัดอบรมการประเมินคุณธรรมและความโปร่งใสประจำปี

OAP hosts a workshop on integrity and transparency

             On June 5, 2024, Ms. Pennapa Kanchana, OAP Deputy Secretary General, presided over an opening ceremony for a workshop on Integrity and Transparency Assessment. This workshop was aimed to provide details as to how integrity and transparency at OAP would be assessed. This assessment is an annual activity required

OAP hosts a workshop on integrity and transparency Read More »

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