A Technical Visit from Faculty of Science, Silapakorn University.

คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ ม.ศิลปากร เข้าเยี่ยมชมภารกิจและห้องปฏิบัติการฯ ของ ปส.

           On April 29, 2024, thirty five faculties and students from Faculty of Science, Silapakorn University make a technical visit at several facilities at OAP, including:
1. Nuclear and Radiation Emergency Administration Center (NuREAC)
2. Gamma Spectrometry Laboratory
3. Radioactive Nuclide Analysis Laboratory

           For more information about a technical visit at OAP, please contact us at +6625967600 ext 1110 or 1120. Currently, a technical visit is only offered on Mondays.

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