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Management of Domestic Nuclear Information for NNFL Development


Publication Type: in RRFM 2018, IAEA

Year: 2018

Abstract: The National Nuclear Forensics Laboratory of Thailand was established in 2013 by Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP) under the Project No.30, “Network of Excellence for Nuclear Forensics in South East 

Asia Region (2013-2014)”, supported by EU CBRN CoE.  It is expected to develop The National Nuclear Forensics Library (NNFL) and increase the capability of the nation to overcome illicit trafficking of domestic radioactive and nuclear materials.  

The nuclear materials in only location outside facilities (LOF), from total 93 facilities, were created as database in 2016.  It was input as one of the information in the present developing Nuclear Forensics Database prototype.  The nuclear knowledge which are planned to include, are legislative work, IAEA documents, ISO details, Nuclear Forensics analytical reports, inspection reports, and other useful/concerning information.  The templates of each nuclear material/radioactive material are in ongoing modification following the structures and formats available for NNFL, related to IAEA concepts and requirements.  

The success of this nuclear knowledge management (NKM) will reduce the time wasting for nuclear forensics assessments whether the sized material is or is not consistent with the given process or activity.  The concerning illicit activities can also be deterred.  These attempts will assist the National Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Plan, as well as the country nuclear security and physical protection, related to SG/NPT, for the peaceful use of atomic energy. 

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